Has the world turned upside down? What has gone wrong with the world? Children are dying, mother is weeping, brothers are against brothers and friends are against friends. There is chaos in the world? What formidable force dared destroy God’s handwork? Why such ugly incidents? All are summed up in one world: CRIME

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, crime is defined as an offence for which there is severe punishment by law. The charm of an exotic life style has pushed people into committing crime. Everyone wants the flamboyant things of life. They all want to lie on beds of roses, forgetting that even roses have thorns. But do we really blame them? Even the Bible has handful records of crimes. Right now we are living in a world where money speaks. Many people cannot afford a good and comfortable life; others still are jobless. What can we say of the streets in big cities littered with many people who do not have decent house to live in? Consequently, they get frustrated and disillusioned. Their world has collapsed before them. In their frustration, they feel that only one door is open to the: CRIME

There are many reasons why people commit crime but the obvious reason is INDISCIPLINE. If only people can learn to discipline themselves, the world would be a better place to live in. Indiscipline is the opposite of DISCIPLINE. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defined DISCIPLINE as training, especially of the mind and characters, to produce self – control, habits of obedience, etc. Therefore, Indiscipline is the absence of Discipline. The sad truth is that everyone is guilty of indiscipline in one way or the other. Our society is indeed sick. The Lack of Discipline has made even our political Leaders who are supposed to be the epitome of good morals, to break the laws of the lands with impunity and embezzle large sums of money meant for the good of the masses, thereby making the masses go after CRIME.

The crime wave in Africa especially West Africa is getting higher as the indiscipline rate is increasing. This is not what the people wished for and this is not what their government promised either. The Federal Government together with the State Government of most country in Africa must cooperate to reduce CRIME AND INDISCIPLINE IN OUR SOCIETY to the barest minimum.


Nigeria is rated as the one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The Military intervention in Nigerian Politics in 1966 could be traced to corruption, however, the Military Government that was supposed to be a correcting regime turned out to be more corrupt than the Civilian Government it came to correct.

Corruption is so pronounced in Nigeria that successive Government set up various bodies to fight it at all level. THE WAR AGAINST INDISCIPLINE (WAI), NATIONAL AGENCY FOR FOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION CONTROL (NAFDAC), INDEPENDENT CORRUPT PRACTICES AND OTHER RELATED OFFENCES COMMISSION (ICPC), and ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIMES COMMISSION (EFCC) were all put in place by different Governments in the country to fight this ugly phenomenon that has eaten deep into the fabric of our Society.

On whether Nigeria will survive, it is not easy for one to conclude. This is so because those who set up these agencies to fight corruption are the same people who are involved in it and are encouraging it. How can the authority fight corruption under whose agency it came to power? The last general election was a clear case of those in authority using dishonest, illegal, immoral and corrupt means to install themselves or their personal candidates in power. Some of these means could be traced to the INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISION (INEC) whose position many candidate / political leaders used to force themselves or their personal candidate to power to the detriment of due process. I really think it is not suppose to be so. We are aware that in many places there were no Ballot Boxes, even if there was, after the whole process it will be stolen by hoodlums sent by these selfish political aspirant. Some are taken to private hoses or places where they were filled with Ballot papers been supplied by INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISION (INEC) officials, who are either party members of the said candidate or they have been BRIBE with money. Yet, “We” said the election was free and fair. In some places able – bodies’ young men were recruited as thugs and given sophisticated guns to snatch Ballot Boxes. At the end of the day, results were announced and winners declared INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISION (INEC) who is also working hand in hand with these candidates. Even the police is also involve in this electoral corruption, in a similar case the police was watching when hoodlums were hijacking and stealing Ballot Boxes from the Poll Station. What are the police doing? The police that is suppose to enforce law and order in the society are hardly seen in the street yet they folk around politicians every where they go, even when someone is robbed, if you call the police they wont come until the next 6 hours.

The most shameful is the Congratulatory notes offered to those we knew did not win the election. Christians and even the hierarchy of the Church did not only congratulate these crop of politicians, but preached and frolicked around them for one gratification or the other and encouraged them to come for thanksgiving in our Churches. What are we thanking God for? Successful assassination of political opponent, Successful snatching of Ballot Boxes and depriving the people of their voting right.

The Church appeared to be wearing a double face; we condemned those in authority openly in our Churches and later go to them for financial help from the ill – gotten wealth. What face are we giving to the body of Christ? Are we taking the bodies of Christ to the devil himself? Or is it that the leaders of the churches we attend are devil Incannet. Today the world is changing into a war front where everybody has to watch his/her back every minute.

The Educational system is not left out in this ugly situation; examination malpractice is common everywhere. Examination candidates who did not bribe are maltreated in examination hall while those who bribed the invigilators are helped to write. Evidence abound of examinations written in Principal’s office for their children or wards, sometimes for other persons who paid through their nose. One has to pay heavily to be appointed a Principal or Head Master even to get employment as a Teacher in our school, to head school is not based on merit any longer. Juniors are made to head schools while seniors are there because they refused to bribe those concerned. This ugly practice has helped to INDISCIPLINE into the educational system and has lowered the standard of education. Moving from smaller school to a bigger school, one has to pay what one can afford determines the school he or she heads.

The Police on duty taking bribe is no longer news. Do we have the moral justification to blame the Police for taking N20 (Twenty Naira) and someone is taking Millions with impunity in the same society.

The immoral situation in Nigeria is growing higher as the days goes by, we see little children especially teenager getting involve in premature sex, which at the end leads to early pregnancy. Today in our society we see people especially girls wearing immoral cloths exposing the most rear part of their body to the public, sometimes we see them in club.

IN judiciary, like the day of Prophet Amos, the highest bidder has the day. Justice is no longer given to the poor (Amos 5:11-12).

Politics and God-fatherism has entered the Church. Minister now worship now worship their bosses and pay lip service instead of worshipping God since it pays to be involved in eye service.

If Nigeria must survive, Nigerians who are privileged to hold offices should consider their fellow Nigerians who are suffering. If armed robbers are executed for stealing at gun point, those in authority who steal with pen, make many home destitute and frustrate many to death, Build houses and load money inside for their children, should not count themselves lucky because they are not executed. God will hold them responsible if they fail to repent. Those in authority should first carry the corruption crusade to themselves.

Christians in Government must remember that remember that the positions they are holding is a God-given opportunity; you will definitely give account of it before God before God, if you did not do so here on earth.

If everyone in his little corner realized that corruptions is a dangerous evil that must be fought, if our traditional system causes to give chieftaincy titles to those who “made” it through dubious ways, if the society ceases to sing praises of those who achieve riches through corrupt practices, If the Church plays her traditional role of guiding the society morally, if Christians in politics see themselves as people called by God to serve, then Nigeria will survive

Friday, July 17, 2015